The Spillover Effect

As charter schools come under fire and claims are thrown around about how charters schools harm public schools, here’s a previous post we shared about the “spillover effect.” When charter schools are in close proximity to public schools, public schools benefit!

A peer-reviewed study from Temple University describes the numerous benefits public schools receive when Charter Schools are either in proximity or co-located. Studying close to 900,000 3rd-5th grade students attending a traditional public schools nearby, Cordes found several important impacts:

  • Better gains in math and reading for nearby public school attendees

  • Fewer nearby public school attendees are held back

  • High risk students at nearby public schools perform the same or better

And these are just a few of the ground-breaking findings. Still, as environmentalists deeply invested in helping our communities thrive, we share these findings as another example of how more educational options for families make communities better. It also challenges the claims that charter schools hurt traditional schools by stealing away engaged parents and high-performing kids.

Want more facts? Click here to read the full study or read a quick summary of all the findings.