An Answer to the Culture Wars?

The results are in. Significant numbers of both democrats and republicans would prefer to support students over school systems. This news might be surprising to some, but nobody is surprised that many parents are fed up after the past two school years. Parents of different political stripes might not agree with each other or be “fed up” about the same things, but they all want more of a say in what goes on in the daily lives of their children.

Take masking as an example. Parents did not agree about whether students should wear masks, but they did agree that if parents or children were unhappy in their school situation, they should be able to move schools.

But what about other situations that create similar disagreements? Conversations like critical race theory and gender identity education are clearly cultural war zones, but there are other topics that are heated between parents. Even discussions on topics like how much outside time is appropriate or how much technology should be used in the classroom cause frustration. The peaceful way through the culture wars in education is more opportunities that aren’t one-size-fits all.

See the survey results here: