A Education Model To Learn From

Today we’re sharing an article we think our readers will enjoy. Here’s our preview:

A fairly new and innovative education model, Hybrid Homeschools, may be an interesting model for the future of US education according to Dr. Eric Wearne. The term “hybrid homeschool” almost explains itself. It is a form of education where children attend school 2 or 3 days a week, and they work on assignments at home for the rest of the week. Students experience a literal hybrid of formal school and home school.

As the education system wrestles with how to manage the fall semester or even potential outbreaks after the first wave of coronavirus, Wearne suggests schools should learn from this hybrid school model.

Check out his 5 reasons why Hybrid Homeschooling models are an example for schools to learn from as they think about the future of education:


Eric Wearne is a Visiting Associate Professor with the Education Economics Center at Kennesaw State University.  Dr. Wearne’s research work focuses on education policy, school choice, and the history of American education.